Thursday, 18 August 2016

Interesting Facts You Need to Know About Scoliosis

Scoliosis is term used to describe an abnormal spine curvature. Normally the

spine is straight, but when scoliosis occurs, the spine can bent in various

ways. The form of scoliosis occurring in children is referred as Idiopathic

Scoliosis. It is a condition or disease with no known cause. It rarely causes

pain and doesn’t even require any treatment.

Here are some of the interesting facts that you need to know about scoliosis.

Adults can have one of two types of scoliosis

There are two types of scoliosis that are found in adults. One is idiopathic

scoliosis that is commonly seen in adults. This curve if not treated on time,

progresses and begins to cause symptoms in adulthood. The second type of

scoliosis diagnosed in adults is degenerative scoliosis. In this, wear and tear

caused on the back due to aging leads to the development of curve on the


Smoking can give rise of Scoliosis

There are small things you can do yourself for treating scoliosis. Smoking

can have a great impact on your back. Quitting smoking can prevent back

and neck problems thus rooting scoliosis at its very beginning.

Early diagnosis

Parents should make sure that their children receive regular checkups so that

conditions like Scoliosis is diagnosed and treated at the right time. Timely

management can prevent bigger curves from forming at the time of the

growth. Since, it hardly causes pain, so the problem may go unnoticed if not

diagnosed on time.

No need to put an end to physical exercises

Many times people suffering from Scoliosis are told to limit their physical

activities. But the fact is that more physically active the individual is, faster

it will be cured. If you are overweight, then exercising for weight loss can

help to reduce Scoliosis Symptoms.

Some cases of Scoliosis require a deep observation, while others can be

treated with the braces or surgery. All what you require is its early diagnosis

and timely treatment.

If you are considering a Corrective Approach to Scoliosis in Toronto, bookan appointment with Scoliosis GTA. Our treatments will surely provide you

relief from chronic aches and back pains. You can also get a spinal

correction and experience an improvement in spinal alignment. Call us


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