Wednesday, 3 August 2016

A few facts about Scoliosis

Scoliosis is the one of the most dangerous spine mutation, wherein the spine is curved out of shape, usually curved side to side like an S or curved front to back like a C. It is easily recognized by doctors and patients due to the curve of the spine.  However, the reasons of the problem are still unknown; it may be by birth or get developed over the years as a side effect of an accident or a disease.

Kids are affected the most

The kids grow rapidly into adulthood. The growth often changes their physiology that might be one of the reasons of Scoliosis. So, therefore, the kids must be checked at least once a year for this condition. However, studies show that girls are one of the most affected by this problem. 

Usually, Scoliosis worsens during puberty. However, when a person reaches full growth, it is unlikely that Scoliosis will develop or will get worse. So, therefore, regular check up is of utmost importance, as the condition can occur at any time.

Importance of regular checkups

The child’s growth will be impeded due to the condition. It is because; the condition puts a lot of strain on the lungs and heart, leading to other problems.  Some children even lost their flexibility to move and become physically dependent. If the problem is caught at any early stage, the chances of it affecting the mobility become less.

On the other hand, these deformities can result in lopsided breasts in women, uneven legs or hips due to the curved shape of the spine. It may also lead to walking problems.


To detect whether there is any issue with the spine or not, the Scoliosis specialist may ask the patients to bend forward as if going to touch their toes.  This way they can easily gather whether the spine is straight or going side to side.

The front to back curvature is easy to notice. The specialist may suggest X-rays for further investigations.

If the problem is detected, there are two remedies for it. The most common one is wearing a brace. Corrective brace works well for children. It holds the back straight so that it can grow properly. However, it holds the curve to its position without worsening it.  The other way is surgery. However, there are many risks associated with it.

Scoliosis GTA offers corrective braces for scoliosis. So if you are considering a corrective approach for it, call us for an appointment today. 

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