Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Scoliosis Treatment Toronto- the options you have

Scoliosis is a term used to describe any abnormal and sideways curvature of the spine. However, when viewed from the back, the spine looks straight. When one is suffering from this problem, the spine can curve in more than one way, including:

·         It curves to the side as a single curve to the left looking like the letter “C”. The condition is known as levoscoliosis.

·         It curves to the side as a single curve to the right looking like a backward letter “C”, known as dextroscoliosis.

·         It has two curves resembling the letter “S”

Scoliosis treatment Toronto 

The decision is based on two factors:

·         The skeletal maturity of the patient
·         The degree of the spinal curve 

However, a small degree of curve in old aged people does not likely need treatment. On the other hand, a bigger curve in younger patient will continue to worsen if not treated on time. 


It mostly occurs in individuals between 10 to 18 years. The diagnosis includes:

·         The curvature of the spine
·         Uneven shoulders
·         Asymmetrical waistline
·         One hip higher than the other

The treatment options Toronto includes
·         Observations
·         Back Braces
·         Surgery


Once scoliosis is detected, the doctor will observe the condition, by measuring the curve on a regular basis. You may have to undergo regular X-rays. The doctors also use “Cobb Method”- a technique to accurately measure its progression. 

The curves that are less than 10 degrees are taken to be spinal asymmetry. These are unlikely to progress and do not need any treatment.  However, the ones beyond 20 to 30 degrees need proper inspection and observation on a regular basis. 

However, if the curve progresses more than 5 degrees during this period or reached 30 degrees, so the condition is taken as serious. 

Corrective braces Toronto 

Another option for the patients with progressing curves includes the use of a corrective brace. However, bracing does not straight the back, but stops the progression of the curves as the child continues to grow. The child will continue to wear it until she reaches skeletal maturity.


The surgery is only recommended for the patients if their curves are greater than 40 to 45 degrees, and continues to progress.  The surgery can correct the curvature and also prevents its further progression. 

For Scoliosis Treatment Toronto, get in touch with Scoliosis GTA. Our doctors offer you the best remedy for the condition, depending on its extent. Get in touch with us for more details or submit your queries online.

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