Thursday, 28 July 2016

The relevant information about Scoliosis- all you need to know

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine. However, the problem begins usually in the upper middle back region. The reason of the problem is still unknown. 


·         Idiopathic: It is the most common type of scoliosis. However, there is no reason why the spine is curved. 

·         Congenital: This type of scoliosis is present at birth. The problems in a baby’s growth and development can lead to this. However, in most of cases, it is not severe in childhood, but it may get worse in the later stages of life. 


Most commonly known symptoms of the problem are:
·         Stiffness, fatigue and pain while standing or sitting
·         One hip may seem higher from the other
·         Shoulders must appear uneven

·         As the child enters puberty, the degree of the spinal curve increases and become visible.
·         The curve can diminish the lung capacity, thereby putting pressure on the heart

How it is diagnosed?

Physical examination

If the condition is functional or structural, it gets noticed in the first physical examination. The doctor conducts a posture evaluation of the frontal and lateral view to check if the problem is due to bad posture. After this, he will also check the extent of the curve and restrict patient movement as per the condition


The doctor may also recommend test like X-ray and DSA to identify the root cause of the condition.


A full-spine x-ray is conducted so as to measure the Cobb’s angle.  It is used to describe the extent spinal deformities.

Digital spine analysis

It helps identify qualitatively the imbalance of spine by measuring the deficiencies in the efficiency of the muscles of the area. 


However, the treatment depends a lot on the extent of the curve and your age.  The treatment focuses on correcting the curve through stretching tight muscles and strengthening of weak muscles. 

In certain cases, the bracing is also effective. It stops the curvature from growing further. It stabilizes your condition. The last resort is surgery, which reduces the curvature and prevents its further development. 

However, if the issue is not addressed properly, it may cause disfigurement and compromising the cardiopulmonary system.

With the proper treatment and approach, most patients with Scoliosis can lead a normal life.
Get in touch with Scoliosis GTA if you are considering a corrective approach to Scoliosis. We provide corrective braces for the problem. Call us today for an appointment. 

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Corrective bracing & Scoliosis- Review of SpineCor Pain Relief Back Brace

Scoliosis is a common medical condition wherein there is a sideways curve of the spine or backbone. The curve is often shaped as an S or C. In most of the cases, the reason for this is not known. It can affect all age groups. However, the most types are idiopathic in children aged between 10-12 years. It can also run in families. So, therefore, a child who has a parent or sibling with this condition must have regular checkups.  Now the treatment of Scoliosis is possible with the use corrective brace.

In the past few years, the SpineCor brace have acquired a lot of attention.  The reason is its effectiveness in improving spinal alignment and posture, as per to the curve type, its severity and rigidity.

Prior to studying further about SpineCor, let’s have a general look at the corrective brace treatment for Scoliosis.

The brace treatment is used to prevent the progression of the spinal curve. However, it also helps maintain the appearance of the back. Bracing prevents the curve from getting worse. In a few cases, it has been successful in straightening the spine and correcting its appearance.

Why it is done?

The procedure is usually used for a child who is still in a growing age so as to prevent the progression of moderate spinal curve.  The more the child wears it, the more effective it is.
It is helpful:

·         When the bracing is started early, while the child is still in his growing years
·         The spinal curve is moderate.
·         The brace is well fitted
·         The child wears it for the prescribed amount of time.

What makes SpineCor an apt choice?

SpineCor is designed in a way that it supports your back firmly. Made up of two sections, the first one is consists of the pelvic shorts to support the actions by the patient’s trunk. The other section consists of the bolero and the corrective bands that apply corrective movement to the scoliosis
While other braces are just effective in treating Scoliosis in children, SpineCor approach to spinal treatment in adults. It provides pain relief and postural rehabilitation both. However, if it is worn for 8-16 hours per day, it can initiate the changes in posture as well.
It relieves pain, initiates postural changes and prevents the progression of Scoliosis curve and sometimes even reduces it slightly.

It can treat back pain caused by

·         Postural Scoliosis
·         Post Traumatic Scoliosis
·         Hyperkyphosis
·         Chronic Antalgic Scoliosis
·         Adult De-novo Scoliosis
·         Degenerative Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis in Adults
·         Spinal Stenosis

For more information on SpineCor, get in touch with Scoliosis GTA. You can call us or drop us an email.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Scoliosis Treatment Toronto- the options you have

Scoliosis is a term used to describe any abnormal and sideways curvature of the spine. However, when viewed from the back, the spine looks straight. When one is suffering from this problem, the spine can curve in more than one way, including:

·         It curves to the side as a single curve to the left looking like the letter “C”. The condition is known as levoscoliosis.

·         It curves to the side as a single curve to the right looking like a backward letter “C”, known as dextroscoliosis.

·         It has two curves resembling the letter “S”

Scoliosis treatment Toronto 

The decision is based on two factors:

·         The skeletal maturity of the patient
·         The degree of the spinal curve 

However, a small degree of curve in old aged people does not likely need treatment. On the other hand, a bigger curve in younger patient will continue to worsen if not treated on time. 


It mostly occurs in individuals between 10 to 18 years. The diagnosis includes:

·         The curvature of the spine
·         Uneven shoulders
·         Asymmetrical waistline
·         One hip higher than the other

The treatment options Toronto includes
·         Observations
·         Back Braces
·         Surgery


Once scoliosis is detected, the doctor will observe the condition, by measuring the curve on a regular basis. You may have to undergo regular X-rays. The doctors also use “Cobb Method”- a technique to accurately measure its progression. 

The curves that are less than 10 degrees are taken to be spinal asymmetry. These are unlikely to progress and do not need any treatment.  However, the ones beyond 20 to 30 degrees need proper inspection and observation on a regular basis. 

However, if the curve progresses more than 5 degrees during this period or reached 30 degrees, so the condition is taken as serious. 

Corrective braces Toronto 

Another option for the patients with progressing curves includes the use of a corrective brace. However, bracing does not straight the back, but stops the progression of the curves as the child continues to grow. The child will continue to wear it until she reaches skeletal maturity.


The surgery is only recommended for the patients if their curves are greater than 40 to 45 degrees, and continues to progress.  The surgery can correct the curvature and also prevents its further progression. 

For Scoliosis Treatment Toronto, get in touch with Scoliosis GTA. Our doctors offer you the best remedy for the condition, depending on its extent. Get in touch with us for more details or submit your queries online.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Understanding scoliosis and its prevention

Scoliosis is a common spinal disease that can occur both in children and adults alike. It involves a curved deformity in the spine. When you look at someone from front to back, their spine must look like straight.  A person suffering from scoliosis will have deviated vertebrae that form a C or S shape curve. 

Common symptoms include

·         Back pain
·         Neck/shoulder tension
·         Posture problem
·         Uneven shoulders or waist
·         Raised hip
·         Leaning of the body


Scoliosis comes in two forms:

·         Structural Scoliosis: It is caused by malformed vertebrae that force the spine to a curved position. It cannot be corrected fully and also it leads to larger curvatures depending on how malformed the vertebra is. 

·         Idiopathic Scoliosis: There is no medical cause known for it, but it is the most common type of scoliosis. The curvatures can be corrected and reduced through conservative means.
However, pain is insignificant in this problem as most people will probably go through their childhood without having any knowledge that is even there. The major concern is when the curvature surpasses 20 degrees. At 30 degrees, the bracing is common, but when it grows 40 degrees, surgery is the only option so as to prevent compression of the heart and lungs.
A few preventive tips 

·         Get your spinal checked by a doctor. They can identify major curvatures using basic screening tools. 

·         Make sure you do not carry your backpack on one shoulder. It may look more comfortable, but it puts extra force on the spine, thereby, increasing scoliosis curves. 

·         Stay active as long as you can. Sedentary lifestyle makes spine stiff. 

·         Keep your weight in check. Overweight leads to many health issues. 

However, the condition does not cause any pain or serious illness, but it wears on the psyche. So, therefore, it is best to provide emotional support and love to the family member suffering from it. 

If you are suffering from scoliosis, consider wearing a corrective brace. SpineCor is a dynamic corrective brace designed for adults and children. Made from soft yet broad and resilient straps, it allows the person to move freely. You have to wear it for 20 hours a day. Wearing it, you can do everything you want as it supports the spine and slows down the curves from going any further. 

For more information about scoliosis and SpineCor brace, get in touch with Scoliosis GTA. We will be happy to help you.