Scoliosis refers to the
condition in which a patient experiences sideways curvature in the spine. This
curvature can be S–shaped or C-shaped. There are many more interesting facts
about scoliosis that you need to get acquaint with. Let’s have a look.
Children are more likely to have scoliosis
Anyone can have scoliosis.
But the common type is the one that is found among children falling in the age
group of 10-12 years. This type is known as idiopathic scoliosis. Parents need
to make sure that their children receive regular checkups so that scoliosis if
diagnosed can be managed early. This condition is seen more in girls as
compared to boys.
In maximum cases, scoliosis has no cause
Many of us think what should
be done so as to prevent the scoliosis? However, in most of the cases scoliosis
has no known cause, so it can’t be prevented. Some think that bad posture and
heavy bags can cause this. This is just a myth. It only causes back ache and other
spine problems.
You can indulge yourself in one or two types of
If a person is diagnosed with
the problem of scoliosis, it doesn’t mean he is restricted to carry out any
physical work. To keep yourself active, doctors always recommend regular
exercises. The mild curves can easily be corrected with regular set of
exercises as prescribed by doctor.
Scoliosis can assume gigantic proportion if not
treated on time
Some children are born with
scoliosis. This assumes the form of idiopathic scoliosis if it continues till
adolescence. When it reaches the adult age, it becomes degenerative scoliosis. During
this age curves start forming due wear and tear of the spine.
Not everyone requires surgery
When a person is diagnosed
with scoliosis, he fears of surgery. But,
surgery is not the only option. If the curve is moderate say between 20-40
degrees, braces are usually recommended. Wearing it for some time will put a
halt on curve from getting worse. However, surgery is required only in some cases
when curve reaches above 40 degrees.
For corrective approach to
Scoliosis, get in touch with Scoliosis GTA. We have professional doctors’
expert in offering you the required treatment. You can call us on 905.868.9090 for free consultation. For any additional
query, you can even email us at
. We will get back to you shortly.
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