Thursday, 20 April 2017

Scoliosis exercises- Perfect solution to get rid –off in a natural way

There are several alternatives to cure Scoliosis including surgery, medicinal treatment, bracing, physical exercises and lot more. Among all, physical exercises combined with bracing treatment are rated the best alternative to kick-off this spine deformity. An exercise therapy for scoliosis deserves some merit because they aim to correct the cause by retraining the body instead of forcing it to be straighter. Exercises for scoliosis attempt to restore better muscle tone, promote healthy spinal curvature, improves the core strength and provides symptomatic relief. These are the most powerful and effective exercises that helps cutting down the shooting pains popping out from different parts of body especially the neck and the back area. 

Let’s have a look on few exercises that are targeted toward people with Scoliosis:

·        Bird Dog:

Position yourself on both hand and knee position. Next raise one leg to the table top position and stretch opposite arm to front, hold for few seconds and switch to another side. Repeat this for few sets and until you achieve the stability. Performing this exercise, the erector spine gets stretched with the entire length of spine and aids in maintaining correct posture.

·        Hip rolling:

Lie down back on the back, extend your arms to the sides, bend your knees towards the left and ensure your feet are flat to the ground. Make the same posture to the opposite side and repeat the same for few sets. This exercise will strengthen both the hip and spine as well as lower the pain in these areas.

·        Plank:

Lie down facing the ground, bend your elbows and support your body with your toes. Now squeeze your abs in, pause for few seconds and constantly make a breathe in-out circle. Repeat this exercise for few steps. This will help you strengthen your core muscles. 

·        Stretch up and reach down:

Stand with your back against the wall, lift up your left arm so that its pin pointing towards straight to the ceiling. At the same time reach the floor with the right hand. Hold your stretch for few seconds and repeat the same to the opposite position.
These exercises will be effective only if practiced on daily basis and clubbed with bracing treatment. Where bracing treatment will help maintaining the upright position of the spine and on the other side these exercises will help prevent further progression of scoliosis. 

Get your check-up done by the expert doctors of Scoliosis GTA. Our team of highly experienced and trained physicians will scrutinize your deformity in detail, will advice you the best exercises and brace according to your severity of cause. We provide different types of unique braces specifically designed to provide best solution for every degree of scoliosis curve. To schedule an appointment with us call us at 905.868.9090 or leave us a message online. We are always available at your service.


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